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计算 余数
269 2023-08-27

Given two numbers dividend and divisor. The task is to write a program to find the quotient and remainder of these two numbers when the dividend is divided by the divisor.

In division, we will see the relationship between the dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder. The number which we divide is called the dividend. The number by which we divide is called the divisor. The result obtained is called the quotient. The number left over is called the remainder.

55 ÷ 9 = 6 and 1
Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder

Dividend = 6
Divisor = 2
Quotient = 3,
Remainder = 0


Then, the variables Dividend and Divisor are divided using the arithmetic operator / to get the quotient as result stored in the variable quotient; and using the arithmetic operator % to get the remainder as result stored in the variable remainder.


#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   int dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder;
   dividend= 2;
   divisor= 6;
   // Computes quotient
   quotient = dividend / divisor;
   // Computes remainder
   remainder = dividend % divisor;
   printf("Quotient = %d

", quotient);    printf("Remainder = %d", remainder);    return 0; }